Thursday, January 24, 2008


Wow Services have been such a blessing to me, Bro Ham, has been listening to GOD that is for sure, from the first night that he has preached at our church, some of his messages have been right up my alley, and I am thankful.
He spoke about a TIME FOR EVERYTHING, and used examples, of when we think that we are going to do “something” just for a little while, thinking that we are in the will of GOD, and its that something that may just take us out of church, but we keep telling ourselves and others that it is only for a little while,

He spoke about a family that was in the church where he attended before going on the evangelistic field, and where the husband was going to a different job because it paid more and it was only going to be for a little while, however, that “raise” was only 50 cents and after they were there they realized that they were out of the will of GOD, and things started falling apart, first they couldn’t find a good church to go to, and then his marriage was falling apart, and in the end of the ‘little while” all they have all backslid, and are not longer in the church, but they were only going for a little while, Bro Ham, said that it is easier to allow things into our life than it is to get it out. How true this statement is

I wonder how many times that we think “this job, or that situation” is the will of GOD, only because it is what we want to hear, that what we want to do, we sometimes do things so that our “acquaintances” can always want us around, when we know that they are not doing what is pleasing to GOD, but we want to win them to the LORD, I know from experience, that if they don’t want to live for GOD, they are wanting to change me to make what they are doing justifiable, I had to learn the hard way and I am thankful for my “friends’ and knowing that even when it hurts and they tell me the truth, that they are loving me, I am thankful that I am living for the LORD, it will be 20 years that I have been traveling this road, and I am going to continue to travel this road,

God Bless you all

Friday, January 18, 2008

prayer works,

When I think of all that is going on in my life, it is at times hard to think clearly, I know that some have been through much worse situation than me but today I will say that I am totally overwhelmed.
I know that GOD hears my prayers and answers everyone of them, and still I have to wonder “why this is happening to me” I am striving to do better with my feelings and look at things differently. When I take steps toward achieving that “high” point in my life where I can say “whew” I made it, it seems that right then and there I am knock back even further than I was before I started, I am asking you all to help me pray, and if you have any answer, please feel free to share your heart with me. I have faith that GOD will continue to see me through, as I know that all things work together for the good...GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!
I am not saying that I am depressed, but I will say that I get so so lonely, all my close friends are married, and have a family, or have been married, and have children, I am too old to be in the youth group, (12-25) and not too many things are happening to the ones (in between age) we don’t have a “singles’ group, or anything remotely close to it, and I am not going to start one, I make myself work 60+ hours just so that I am not alone. Which is a "sickness" I will make it, I know, as for the last few years I have made it, I have a made up mind to live for GOD, and I wll not by the grace of GOD lose out with Him, I am asking however to... HELP ME PRAY,

Monday, January 14, 2008


Sunday morning we had Bro Raul Alvear Jr, Missionary from Brazil, come by, he had just finished preaching for the Conquerors Conference in Tucson, Bro. Paul Connor, and he spoke on "THE DEVIL'S TIME IS COMING TO AN END", and his message was just that, we are all going through things and the church is on the rise, and the devil knows that his time is coming to an end, it was an awesome confirmation on things that have been said now for the last few weeks with different ministers coming to our church. I remember someone telling me once, that the next time the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future, GOD has forgiven us of our past, and better yet, He has forgotten our past Keep on Keepin on, with Jesus,

Church, footwashing, blessings

As I am sitting here, and knowing what GOD did for me yesterday, I am in awe, we finished our week of prayer and fasting, thank you Jesus LOL, I can honestly say that I am more in love with GOD, if that is possible, I was touched, and this morning when I awoken I can say that I was rested, this doesn’t happen all the time, we had such a great service, and it is a great feeling knowing that GOD has preformed miracles, and will continue to perform them in the future, in some of the Men in our church, some of them have been missing a lot of church for what ever reason, and I know that they are the head of our households, it just seems that several of our families the dad’s are out of church a lot, and yesterday there was one certain man, and I know that last night at our fellowship meeting to break our fast, several families get together and have soups, and fellowship, it is so much fun, he said to his wife that during the early hours of the morning GOD woke him up and told him he was going to make it, and that he had a different outlook on life, seeing him worship and be blessed of GOD was great. We do footwashing different then most, I think, families get together and the “head of household” washes their family members feet, and then they in turn together was “their” feet. I will have to learn to download my pictures and show all that is going on
We are starting revival with Bro and Sis Hamm (Spelling?) not sure where he is from but will learn more Tuesday, God Bless

Friday, January 11, 2008

Trying Blogging Again!!!!

Wow it has been a very long time that I have posted thank you Sis Pryor for noticing, I guess this will be “hopefully” a new thing for me, I guess when I read others it is about their families I don’t have anything too exciting to share, at least that is what I think, others may disagree, I hope.

For this first post of the New Year 2008, I just wanted to say that I am thankful that I am in the Church, in TRUTH, and believe what I have been taught and what I have learned over the years of being in Church. I am thankful for the leaders that I have in my life, from the very beginning the Pastor and Wife, of Delano Ca, Pastor and Sis Paul Wilson for always coming by and asking if I was okay, if I was going to be at church, and taking me to work after we ate at taco bell, thank you Sis Wilson, I love you “nana” and even now when I call, making sure that I am still living for God and telling me that she is proud of me, and Pastor and Sis Allard, for the many times over the last years that you have made me feel at home, when I come to visit, and just making sure that I was okay and still living for God. Thank you for the many years that you have prayed, and for loving me.
Now that I am Arizona, I have been in Pastor Garrett’s Church, and involved in many “ministries” and am blessed, from Sunday School, to Children’s Choir and Children’s Church, and the funniest and most rewarding is our College for Apostolic Ministries, where not only am I learning the beautiful language of Sign Language but I get to be a blessing to others and provide them with food and fellowship atmosphere,

I don’t have a lot of things going on in my life at the moment, I am single for now and want to one day be a blessing to others in the Mission Field, I have prayed and asked GOD to help me to fulfill this dream, in his time.

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About Me

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Well, I was born in '68, and have lived is several places in California, grew up in Bell Gardens, and moved to Earlimart, when I was in 4th grade, moved back to southern California, until I graduated in 87, and moved back to Delano, and got into Church, and have been serving God ever since, right now I reside in Glendale Arizona, where I work for Maricopa County as a Court Operations Rep, (sounds important) and I am also a Shift Manager for KFC, and teach Sunday School, and Help with Childrens Choir, and College,